Can Cholesterol be controlled?
- Some people seem to eat anything they want: butter, beef, eggs, fries and all the other foods that are loaded with it. Yet, their cholesterol levels are within normal range.
- Other people live totally (or almost) 'FAT-FREE' - yet, their doctors shake their heads when the tests come back and tell these patients to "Exercise more and curtail your intake of fatty foods!"
I've always thought that people have a 'pre-dispositon' to high cholesterol, i.e., their bodies are either able or unable to metabolize fats properly, much the same way as some can or can not tolerate lactose, the sugar contained in milk.
Pre-disposition to high cholesterol or not, cholesterol, is, in fact, important to our bodies' health because it's used to form cell membranes, make some hormones, synthesize vitamin D, and form bile secretions that aid in digestion. High cholesterol, however puts us at risk for heart disease and stroke. It has to be controlled.
Well, I've done some research and have found that, indeed, high cholesterol does seem to run in families and diet and exercise are factors, but even for those of us with a genetic pre-disposition to high cholesterol, it is controllable.
LipidShield is a company that has done extensive studies on Cholesterol and they have found natural compounds, such as Red Yeast Rice and Plant Sterols and Plant Stanols that do not have the side effects that are often caused by conventional treatments. Their research is documented and cited thoroughly on their website. Read it and make an informed decision.
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Worried About High Cholesterol? LipidShield is the all-Natural Alternative.
- I would like to express how impressed I am with your product. In just 3 months my overall level went from 222 down to 190 and my LDL is now at a healthy 112...with absolutely no side effects. Quite simply...your product works as advertised. Amazing !!"Thank you, J. Marotta
- "I started taking LipidShield in early January 2007 . . . I told my doctor I was stopping all statins and start taking the LipidShield. He bet me $5 that it would not work. He sent me the $5 along with my test results!"Denny from Dallas, Tx